Thursday, March 20, 2008

A preamble burst of passion

A person no matter how much a rebellion he is of the social wrongdoings, does catch a few muck spots. This is what happened lately with me when I used abusive language for someone from the fairer sex. Now please don’t get carried away with limited details and read the explanation I have to give.
It was 1900 hours and I was driving back home , I entered the NHS Gizri Gate and turned left for the third street. I was on my left lane and as I made the turn a black sedan car came in front of my car blocking my way. The headlights were so sharp , I could hardly see the person on the driving seat. Anyways, that car was to turn right and it was supposed to be in its own lane but it was blocking me on the wrong lane and expecting me to reverse and give it way to pass by. This was a really annoying situation for me. The car horned, hooted several times and this made me turn the ignition and the headlights off . I decided to stand static as a rock there no matter how prolong this drama goes.
A minute or two passed by and I was getting ready to get fist to fist with this idiot. That person definitely sensed my stubbornness and decided to reverse back a bit, and as a result got some room to get back to its original lane. I got my car started and as the car came pass me, what I saw was a girl of early 20s driving that god damned car which was jam packed with yippie style ladies. I pointed to my forehead,communicating her, what a jerk she had been. She pulled down the window ; I was expecting an apology from her. What I heard next was unbelievable. She used her fancy accent English( that these people learn from star plus soaps) shrilling “ You were on the wrong side and you did not give me …” She wasn’t finished yet with her hip lingo and I burst out with anger advising her “ F!@# You, get a drivers license a$$hole”, and zoomed ahead. She was definitely not expecting something like this and I saw her through the side mirror when she quacked back in a feeble voice ” F!#@ you toooo” .
She was late and definitely needed practice on uttering such words.
I wasn’t feeling conceited at all in fact I was surprised how I used the foul language for a mademoiselle for the very first time in my life and I regretted. It was just a preamble burst of passion and nothing more. Believe it or not, I don’t use such words in my daily life but what happened there was inexpliqueable. Anyways it was a funny tale of stupid people bumping into wrong guys and is mentioned just for the sake of entertaining your reading senses not your testosterones. :)

Moral of the story:
Grandmas make better drivers than hot chiks.

Sweet Nostalgia

There I was ..listening to the early ninety grudge again. …I am now having a love-hate relationship for such stuff just as they don’t fulfill the urge and seem to regenerate every now and then. I wish to run away from this addiction but removing them from PC is like requiring a lot more than courage. But just as I m done listening to them, I feel this nostalgia which makes the environment so gloomy that I wish I wouldn’t have thought playing them in the first place. But after a while, everything gets normal. And I never learn; you’ll find me doing the same thing all over again after some time and so the vicious cycle continues. Orwell was right! There is no hope.

True Lies

Saw the movie back when we loved watching a film with a brawny hero who sets off a bomb within a second to spare. The name of the movie was definitely catchy and often baffles up on getting the meaning straight .Perhaps, this little event can help you understand the meanings. I came back from the Nortel Conference held at Sheraton Karachi. The discussion was very interesting with the host adding a witty touch when he told us that filmstar Reema was asked to host this technology program. Nortel actually called up this conference as it had recently set up its business in Pakistan and was looking for some fine clients. I would like to mention it here that the company I serve presently ,Arwentech (formerly Americom) is a technology consultant company which buys telecom equipment from companies like Nortel and vends it in form of a solution to its own clients. Anyways, the hall was packed from the start as there was no participation fee ( plus everyone was to get a gift hamper from Nortel on leaving) of the session .I found myself at odds as I looked younger compared to the other participants and soon I found out that it were the managers that were all around me. One of the organizers came up to me in the tea break and started interviewing me with a suspicious look. Anyways when I told them I was from Arwentech, he looked relieved and when I told him my name ‘Ahsan’ he went wild like Ohhh Mr. Ahsan it was a pleaseure meeting you and blah blah blah…I just new what exactly happened at that point. The guy had mistaken me as the other Ahsan who is btw a Manager at our company and I was like what should I do next?….. tell him I was not what he was thinking or should I just pretend t be a manager especially sent to represent the company. I sat there inaudibly realizing what a big Truth Liar I was. And the shirt i got from that gift hamper was amazing :)